Topband: Shunt feeding tower

Pete Smith N4ZR n4zr at
Wed Aug 27 06:28:19 EDT 2014

Reading about 3-wire cages and the like, I feel a serious case of shunt 
envy.  Mine is a single wire about 18 inches from one corner of my Rohn 
25, connected to the tower at about 50 feet.  I used an omega match with 
a couple of 3 KV transmitting variables, because my tower is quite tall 
for 160 (97 feet with 3 yagis, 2 on top) and I could not find a 50-ohm 
point.It was absurdly easy to adjust and seems to work quite well at 100 
watts.  I'm sure there are better solutions (including Herb's), but this 
was really simple.

73, Pete N4ZR
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On 8/26/2014 5:12 PM, Don wrote:
> I would like to get on 160 this question most likely has been asked a 1000 time but I need information as how or can I shunt feed my 55 ft rohn 45 .
> Don
> _________________
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