Topband: tool for install radials

Lloyd Berg N9LB lloydberg at
Tue Dec 9 12:19:52 EST 2014

One word of caution.

Don't put the radials too far under the surface.  2, 3, 4, or 5 inches 
down is too deep! Remember that you will be cooking the soil ( 
introducing losses ) between the radial wires and the surface.

Try to keep the radial wires an inch or less below the surface.


Lloyd - N9LB

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Jorge Diez - CX6VM wrote:

> Hello
> I think there´s a tool to make a line in the ground to put radials.
> Couldn´t find it in website, don´t know the name in English
> Could you please help me to find it or send me close up photos of 
> yours to
> try to ask someone locally to make one?
> Thanks in advance
> 73,
> Jorge
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