Topband: [TowerTalk] DXE RX Antenna Systems

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at
Tue Dec 6 17:13:35 EST 2016

I did what you were thinking.  I love the 8 ele array.  I really works 
even with a 100 ft diameter circle.  I wish I could go bigger but I just 
don't have the space.    Something happened to my array controller so I 
pulled out one of the old 4 sq boxes and used 4 elements with 70 ft 
spacing.  It worked great in the 160 test.   I was using that spacing 
coincidentally so I already had the phasing lines built for that spacing.

You would just need the 8 element array box and maybe the proper CC8 and 
you are in business.

I missed not having an E/W choice.   Pretty important domestically from 
Colorado.  I dont' think I missed working anyone because of it but it 
does make a difference.

I was actually thinking about putting up an AY loop array inside the 
Circle array but have not got around to asking if this would be a bad 
idea.  My gut feeling says is.  This would put loop ends 25ft away which 
I think is too close and would interact.

If you have the room for the largest 4 sq array I don't see any reason 
you would need the other one for 80.  With the active elements I would 
assume that interaction would be considerably less with nested 4 squares

Diversity is the way to go.   A number of people commented how doing 
diversity eliminated almost all the fading.

I might just toss up a loop to EU and play with it some and maybe a bog.

I wish the DXE ava units were no so expensive or I might try to find a 
way to install the other 4 squares in a way that would be horse proof in 
the pastures.  I am not sure how much interest in the used market there 
is for just the 4sq main phasing unit.


On 12/6/2016 2:54 PM, Paul F. Merrill wrote:
> I sent this to DXE first, but I'd be interested in hearing opinions and
> experiences.  Thanks.
> I have two DXE RX 4 squares.  I bought the second one used thinking that I
> may gather the parts so as to make a 8 antenna system using the controller
> that came out after I bought my 4SQ.
> Do you guys have an opinion on these three things:
> 1) My main focus will be 80 and 160, and will take what I can get on 40.
> The 4 directions will cover pretty well from my QTH in Central W6...not
> sure if I need 8 directions.  Would I be better off with a SQ optimized for
> 160 and one for 80 than on compromise 8L system?
> 2) Can I nest these two squares to save space, cable runs, etc.?  80 inside
> the 160.
> 3) Are there any available systems to share (Multi2 contesting) and take
> advantage of diversity RCV and/or share the various RCV antennas?  I plan
> to put them far enough away from the XMIT antennas that I won't need the
> sequencer, since I wouldn't want the 80m op to lose his RX antenna when the
> 160m op transmits.
> Rigs now are K3's, but I foresee 6700's in my future.
> I am fortunate to have some acreage, so I plan to have a couple of
> beverages and maybe an AS Shared Apex Loop, but I have a lot of money in
> these new/used DXE systems and want to make the best of them.
> Thanks, Paul / W7IV
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