Topband: low band propagation at solar min

Ilmo Anttila ilmo.anttila at
Mon Jun 6 02:50:16 EDT 2016

I fully agree what Dave says about propagation difference between solar
minimum and maximum. Living here in North clearly shows this fact. At the
time of solar maximum there has been no chances to work using paths over the
pole area, Qs to W6 (330 degr.)and over to T2, C2, FW (30degr.) have been
impossible for me. In propagation to Southwards like VP8, Heard and
Amsterdam there has been no problem.
Waiting with great interest coming years on Topband and specially Pacific
area DX-peditions starting with KH1 next year.

73 Ilmo, OH2BO

-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] Puolesta David
Lähetetty: 6. kesäkuutata 2016 5:39
Vastaanottaja: topband at
Aihe: Re: Topband: low band propagation at solar min

I've only been active on Topband since 1987 but nothing has beat the 2008
and 2009 seasons when NA topbanders were easily working Zones 17, 18, and 19
both morning and night.  I remember commenting to some of the newer guys
(who had been thinking it was always like that) telling them it was a
rarity.  And, indeed, it has been as it hasn't happened since.  We'll see if
it repeats itself in the next downswing.

73. . . Dave, W0FLS

> Carl K9LA:  " But in my opinion (and in the opinion of others) the 
> deep and long solar minimum between Cycles 23 and 24 (2006-2010) 
> didn't live up to this axiom compared to the not-so-deep and 
> not-so-long solar minimum between Cycles 22 and 23 (1995-1997). It 
> suggests that all solar minimums aren't the same."
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