Topband: 160m polarization and elevation angles

Jim Thomson jim.thom at
Sun Apr 1 11:01:00 EDT 2018

Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2018 00:23:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: donovanf at
To: topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: 160m polarization and elevation angles

## Per the OH8X  current website, they still have several towers up.   They think the 
rotating 300 ft tower that came crashing down in a windstorm, was caused by a failure
of the auto mechanism, that auto orients the 5 el  80m yagi, and the  3 el 160M yagi below it,
in high winds        

##  The idea was to orient the yagis, such that minimum  torque was  applied to the tower itself. 
Basicly,  the  tower twisted itself apart.   The issue with the rotating towers  is, the tower is free
to twist all it wants.  The  guy wires terminate on the huge guy rings, not the tower itself.    Think
of it as a 300  ft long drive shaft, fixed at the bottom end, and free  to twist at the top end.   It
wound up like a pretzel. 

Jim   VE7RF

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