April 2018 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Apr 1 00:23:15 EDT 2018
Ending: Mon Apr 30 21:57:44 EDT 2018
Messages: 116
- Topband: 160m polarization and elevation angles
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: My first VK on 160M!
- Topband: My first VK on 160M!
Adrian Van Der Byl
- Topband: Straws in the Wind ....A 160m Dx'ing Sea Change is Upon us!
Peter Sundberg
- Topband: Straws in the Wind ....A 160m Dx'ing Sea Change is Upon us!
Hans Hjelmström
- Topband: Straws in the Wind ....A 160m Dx'ing Sea Change is Upon us!
Patrick Parmentier
- Topband: wonderful digital world
Johann Bruinier
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
Brad Anbro
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
Stan Stockton
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
Milan Dlabac
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: 7Q7EI on 160
Ed Sawyer
- Topband: Soil conductivity maps
Jeff Kinzli N6GQ
- Topband: 160m polarization and elevation angles
Jim Thomson
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
Brian Pease
- Topband: Soil conductivity maps
Brian Pease
- Topband: Soil conductivity maps
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Soil conductivity maps
Lloyd - N9LB
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
Don Kirk
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
Allan Culbert
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
John Harden, D.M.D.
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
Brian Pease
- Topband: Subject: Re: Straws in the Wind ....A 160m Dx'ing Sea Change
Pete Rimmel N8PR
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
Steve Babcock
- Topband: Subject: Re: Straws in the Wind ....A 160m Dx'ing Sea Change
Brian Pease
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
Bob Wolters
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
Gary Smith
- Topband: Soil conductivity maps
- Topband: Soil conductivity maps
- Topband: Soil conductivity maps
Brian Pease
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: My first VK on 160M!
Mike Waters
- Topband: Subject: Re: Straws in the Wind ....A 160m Dx'ing Sea Change
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
AB2E Darrell
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
Chortek, Robert L.
- Topband: My first VK on 160M!
Jim - WS6X
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
kx4tt at yahoo.com
- Topband: EU opening-G3YRO
Steve Babcock
- Topband: Soil conductivity maps
cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- Topband: 160m inv vee questions
Dick Green WC1M
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
Gary Smith
- Topband: 160m inv vee questions
Brian Pease
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: 160m inv vee questions
Dick Green WC1M
- Topband: 160m inv vee questions
Brian Pease
- Topband: Soil conductivity maps
daraymond at iowatelecom.net
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
Martin Kratoska
- Topband: 160m polarization and elevation angles
Steve Ireland
- Topband: Soil conductivity maps
Jeff Kinzli N6GQ
- Topband: 160m inv vee questions
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
Ed Sawyer
- Topband: 160m inv vee questions
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?" (Epilogue)
k1zm at aol.com
- Topband: Laser Com introducing a breakthrough Top Band antenna at Dayton
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: Soil conductivity maps
John K9UWA
- Topband: WAZ in LoTW
Victor Goncharsky
- Topband: 160m inv vee questions
Chuck Dietz
- Topband: 160m inv vee questions
john at kk9a.com
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?" (Epilogue)
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Soil conductivity maps
Rob Atkinson
- Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?" (Epilogue)
Joel Harrison
- Topband: Inv Vee mod question
Eduardo Araujo
- Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: 80 meter 4-square
terry burge
- Topband: Good condx
Steve Babcock
- Topband: 80 meter 4-square
Bryon Paul Veal NØAH
- Topband: Progress to solar minimum and early indicators of Cycle 25 intensity
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: OH0Z to W/VE 160m season 2017-18
Jukka Sirviö
- Topband: 80 meter 4-square
Mike Smith VE9AA
- Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night
- Topband: Fw: BOG SOME NOISE
- Topband: TopBand Related and other events in Dayton
Tim Duffy
- Topband: Subject: 80 meter 4-square
Pete Rimmel N8PR
- Topband: ARRL 160M Contest Results
- Topband: Subject: 80 meter 4-square
Dan Maguire
- Topband: 3B7A
Gary Smith
- Topband: 3B7A
- Topband: 3B7A
Wes Stewart
- Topband: 3B7A
Gary Smith
- Topband: DXCC
rick darwicki
- Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: Wednesday Activity night
David Olean
- Topband: 3B7A
Gary Smith
- Topband: DXCC
- Topband: Wednesday Activity night
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: Wednesday Activity night
Mark K3MSB
- Topband: Cores on Beverage antennas.
F Z_Bruce
- Topband: 80/160?
Jim Miller
- Topband: 80/160?
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: 80/160?
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: 80/160?
k8gg at voyager.net
- Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: 80/160?
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: 80/160?
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: 80/160?
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: FT8 Observations
David Olean
- Topband: 2018 Visalia Top Band Dinner
wb6rse1 at mac.com
- Topband: FT8 Observations
Tim Shoppa
- Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night
Ed Sawyer
- Topband: FT8 Observations
Mike DeChristopher
- Topband: FT8 Observations
Grant Saviers
- Topband: FT8 Observations
David Olean
- Topband: FT8 Observations
Mike Waters
- Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night
Roger Kennedy
- Topband: FT8 Observations
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: FT8 Observations
- Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: FT-8 on 160m using DXE NCC-2
Jason Pecora
- Topband: FT8 Observations
- Topband: Dayton Activities before and during Hamvention
Tim Duffy
Last message date:
Mon Apr 30 21:57:44 EDT 2018
Archived on: Wed May 2 14:00:37 EDT 2018
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).