Topband: Top band sloper resonance

Gary Smith Gary at
Mon Aug 20 01:08:25 EDT 2018


Yeah, I'm resigned to doing something like 
that. I just put up a new antenna today, 
129' and it's still showing resonance at 
1.725, that's way too low. I need to 
re-measure the old antenna's length, I put 
it up last summer. I do have a few ugly 
vacuum variables around here and should 
see if I can match with one of them 
between the radial plate & feed point. 

Enjoy your visit, I love visiting the UK.



> Gary KA1J,
> It struck me that maybe you originally cut your sloper a little longer
> so you could match it with a simple capacitor. My inverted L is
> resonant on its own, somewhere down in the 1.750 region. It´s
> effectively matched to 50 ohms by an L network but the series
> inductance part of the network is made by lengthening the antenna a
> little. I have a parallel high voltage ceramic capacitor from the feed
> point to radials. I can´t check the actual values because I´m
> currently on vacation in W4 land. 73, Tom G3OLB
> Sent from my iPhone
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