Topband: JAs on TopBand

John Harden, D.M.D. jhdmd at
Sat Dec 22 12:15:59 EST 2018

I worked three (3) JA's here in Atlanta this morning.. It was actually 
better after sunrise... I received a 579 from JH2FXK at 1257 Z..

They were rolling in from the NW on the Hi-Z 8....


John, W4NU

On 12/22/2018 11:57 AM, Mark K3MSB wrote:
> This morning was surreal.....
> I couldn't sleep so I got up around 0900Z, had a cup of coffee, read for a
> while, then went down to the shack.  I worked 3D2AG on 80M CW and was
> listening to him put in a very nice signal to the east coast while I did
> some email correspondence.  I QSY'd to 160M around 1145Z.
> I worked JH1HDT, JA7BXS, and JA0MVW between 1202Z and 1216Z. 3 JA's!!!
> Wow!!!
> My SR is around 0723Z.  I figured what the heck, parked on 1823 and called
> CQ DX.  This is where it gets surreal.....  I worked JH7PFD, JO1WXO,
> JH2FXK, and JA2ZL between 1222 and 1234Z -- They called me!  I had to dig
> to get some of them, but we made it.
> I was going to shut down and noticed BG2AUE was spotted on 80M.  I went to
> 80M.... and oh my God.... I'm hearing him.   Coffee flying,  I quickly
> changed feedlines and turned the linear so the knobs would match my red
> electrical tape marks.  Squirted some RF....  He was 20 KHz down from where
> I had worked 3D2AG and the SWR was higher than I'd like..... but 3500Z are
> forgiving so more RF was squirted.    He came back to me!  Well, I'm pretty
> sure he did as he was weak as water,  when I worked him at 1259Z, which is
> my SR + 35 minutes or so.  I have an email out to him and I am checking
> LoTW periodically.... well,  more than periodically......
> I'm waiting for Rod Serling to walk around the corner...... "Here we have
> one Mark K3MSB, an unknowing visitor to the Twilight Zone......."
> Days like this are what make all the days upon days of crappy propagation
> worth it!   As my TopBand Elmer Glenn K3SWZ always tells me -- "you have to
> put in the seat time and be there when "it" happens..... "
> 73 Mark K3MSB
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