Topband: V84SAA notes and suggestions - pls take a look - it may help u to work us on 160m!

Filipe Lopes ct1ilt at
Sun Dec 30 17:11:29 EST 2018

Hello Jeff,

Thanks for your TIPs email, may I also ask you to listen from time to time
to WEST EUROPE, Asia is really really hard from our part of the world.


73's Filipe Lopes

k1zm--- via Topband <topband at> escreveu no dia domingo,
30/12/2018 à(s) 22:58:

> Hi Gang
> Our team is getting ready for V84SAA and we just posted some operating
> notes for Topband on our website which is now live.
> In addition to what is there, please take a look at the tips below which
> From 9M0W - I personally learned this is one of the most gawd-awful paths
> into Eastern NA imaginable!
> It is hard to appreciate what we will be dealing with coming out of our
> headphones:
> a) Doppler shift on weak NA signals.
> b) Dropped portions of morse CW characters - like instead of HEARING W4ZV
> - what I swore I heard was N4IS calling me one morning.  I totally missed
> the W - I heard the 4 and from the Z I did not hear the two DAHS in the Z.
> What I then heard was 4 dit dit and then from the V I heard the dit dit
> dit and not the DAH at the end of the V!!
> So since that is what we will be dealing with - even with the BEST xmit
> antennas we can manage and some good RX antennas, we are going to have to
> work very HARD to deal with this kind of tough path.
> Please do *****not**** simply call us ONCE at 35wpm on a qsb peak - and
> then wait for the next several CQ passes from us to call us again.
> That may seem logical - but it is not what will likely get you in our log.
> I personally recommend that you keep sending your call - over and over -
> which in the end may allow us to piece it together somehow.
> KJ9I is a perfect example of someone who did it right at 9M0W.  I blew his
> call several times - but because he kept sending it over and over - I
> finally managed to piece it together and Dave now has a richly deserved
> 9M0W qsl to show for it.
> So without beating this to death too much - please appreciate what we will
> be dealing with and try to adapt your calling sequences to what we know
> will work best for US.
> 9M0W was a humbling experience for us out there - and even though you will
> have some pretty damned good lowband ops trying to work you on Topband - I
> can guarantee you that it will be really tough to get anyone East of the
> Mississippi River into our 160m log.
> Please note - we have a really good darkness overlap with all of NA
> starting at our SUNSET each evening.
> We also will have some great LONGPATH opening chances into
> VE1/VE9/VY2/VO1/VO2 and then W1/2/3 at your local SUNSET here on the East
> Coast of NA.
> Remember - it will likely be SHORTPATH well before your local SR time
> (meaning you aim to the N/NW) skirting the auroral ovals at our Sunset and
> you want to look SE at your SUNSET over the long path to work us - meaning
> you aim at about 150 degrees. This will correspond to our local SR event.
> Last year there really was no path for us SE over the longpath at our SS -
> although NO3M reported the path did shift around at his Rx location - but
> even for him it was mainly a shortpath event.  And he should know because
> Eric was our most NE contact from 9M0W and he heard us several times coming
> over the pole out of the  NE.
> Good luck to all - we are a little more than a month away now.
> HNY to all
> 73 JEFF   K1ZM/VY2ZM
> Jeff BriggsDXing on the Edge: The Thrill of 160 Meters Available worldwide
> through BookBaby, Array Solutions, DX Engineering, Royal Society of Great
> Britain, & Amazon
> _________________
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