[TowerTalk] KT34 Hints and Kinks on the Web!

Michael Bill n7mb@primenet.com
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 15:58:22 -0700 (MST)

Recently I posted a message to this reflector regarding a 5 page q+a from
KLM called "From The Horse's Mouth" on the KLM Kt-34 and KT-34XA antennas..

That full report is now available at :  www.qsl.net/k7on/ant/antenna.htm

Thanks go to Stu, WA2MOE who was willing to spend the time to scan and edit
this article!

Thanks also go to Brian, K7ON who was kind enough to post this to his WEB site!

Both Stu and Brian are acknowledged DXer's/contesters and belong to the
Central Arizona DX Association.

73 de mike N7MB

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