[TowerTalk] Open Wire Entry To Shack?

Pat Barthelow aa6eg@tmx.com
Sun, 31 Aug 1997 07:43:38 -0700 (PDT)

Have been reading the mail, and have a question regarding how much 
distance should be held beteween open wire line and adjacent conductors, 
be they, other coax runs, antennas rotor cables, etc.  We at N6IJ are 
running 450 ohm "window" ladder line thru a plexiglass panel, but want to 
also run other contductors.  We also have a TCI commercial/Military 
Balun, 50 to 600 ohm, with the parallel terminals about 10" apart, 
requiring heavy diameter parallel conductors to maintain the 600 ohm 
impedance.  How far away from a 10 inch spaced parallel conductor, should 
we keep other conductors?

Tnx, 73, de Pat, AA6EG/N6IJ, The Contest Station from the government...

On Sat, 30 Aug 1997 Kc4zum@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 97-08-29 14:13:33 EDT, jmaass@freenet.columbus.oh.us
> (Jeffrey Maass) writes:
> << I might be able to replace a pane with plexiglas if necessary, but I'm
>  looking for alternaties to this (multiple layers of glass). >>
> I have a 18" x 30" aluminum frame window behind my desk where my shack is,
> one of the old crank out type.  I got a piece of thick plexiglass cut to the
> exact size of the pane.  The window glass is only held in by shims so prise
> off the shims, slip out the glass, put in the plexiglass, chalk around it and
> replace the shims.  Now you can drill appropriate holes for coax, and put
> brass studs through the plexiglass for your open wire feed through.
> 73, Harvey KM4JA
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