[TowerTalk] 80m rotatable dipole

henry gillow-wiles henry@pacinfo.com
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 22:40:05 -0800

I have a chance to put a 80m roto dipole on the big tower. It will have to
go some where on 18ft of mast along with a CC shorty 40 and a 4 ele DX
engineering 20m. Right now the 20m is at the top of the tower and the 40 is
at the top of the mast. 

This question is only about the interaction between the antennas. Will
there have enough

What is the recommended order (from the tower up), 20m, 40m, 80m? This
would put about 9 feet between the beams. Is this enough? This would make
the 80m at about 105 ft.

Question 2.
I'm tired of having to ask these kinds of questions. Does modeling software
exist that would answer them for me? That is affordable to the normal human?

Tnx for the help.......



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