[TowerTalk] 105BA VS. 105CA 10 Meter Antenna

Jim White, K4OJ k4oj@ij.net
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 10:24:38 -0400

"Maybe if/when I put a non-conducting compensating element at the other end
it will balance the weight okay."

I have found that the convenient fact of plumbing being sized for ID versus
booms being sized by OD allows you to use common PVC over the boom as a
near-non wind loading balancing aide.

By slipping a length over the boom near the light end you can slide it til
you get your mechanical balance and at the point put a sheet metal screw
through the PVC into the boom - voila.......and no electrical variations

Oh yeah, its cheap, too!

I am developing some 5 element ten meter beam designs on YO now, where are
you all getting your 105CA dimensions from?


Jim, K4OJ

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