[TowerTalk] Mast alignment was:refurbish a Thrust bearing?
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 22:42:24 -0500
So, how about locating the open side of the rotor bell such that the
set-bolt is opposite, and loosening the u-bolts a bit at a time while
tightening the set bolt till the set bolt has the mast clamped solidly?
Seems that would avoid any centering problem.
73 and GL
Richard, K9OFG
On Tue, 15 Sep 1998 09:51:10 -0400 "Jim White, K4OJ" <k4oj@ij.net>
>N4ZR wrote:
>For that matter, the local big tower guru talked me out of using any
>of bearing at all for my tribander, suggesting instead that I use a
>pointy-top. As he says, a bearing that isn't there can't seize. They
>come with a location for a set-bolt, so that when you need to remove
>rotor you can just pry the mast up, set the bolt, and pull the rotor
>So, when that ONE BOLT coming in from ONE SIDE is tightened down to
>point where it is just prior to touching your mast it is NOT off
>center????? I think not, sir.....
>Your buddy was right with his logic about order for tightening...but
>bolt in the pointy top is contra-indicated by the same logic since it
>"one sided" adjustment. Imagine if you were using two different sized
>masts at different times in that same tower....you have centered the
>in the rotor...and the rotor in the tower....
>Now, you have two different settings for the solo bolt....
>NOPE.......don't work.
>Jim, K4OJ
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