[TowerTalk] Radial systems

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Sun, 02 Apr 2000 12:02:32 +0000

At 01:30 AM 4/2/00 -0800, Michael Tope wrote:
>I have been thinking about your problem a little,
>but still not sure that I have a definitive answer.
>In either case, you are going to have RF current
>induced in the adjacent antenna (both in the
>radiating element, and in the ground system), but
>its not clear to me which case will produce
>the greatest coupling. Its also possible that the
>coupling between the transmit antenna, and the
>adjacent antenna's radiating element will more
>than swamp out any coupling between the TX
>antenna and the adjacent radial system - but
>I can't say for sure without doing some analysis.

I guess I'd been assuming that Scott's radials were to be either buried or
effectively so -- lying on the surface of the ground.  In that case, aren't
they a lossy, non-resonant system whose only purpose is to improve the
ground conductivity in the vicinity of the bases of the antennas?  And if
that's the case, why would connecting them together deliberately make much
difference as compared to having them share the same earth?

I can see a potential problem with elevated, resonant radials (if that was
what we were talking about) ... or are we?

73, Pete Smith N4ZR

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