[TowerTalk] C31XR? ANT file - Problems2

David Gilbert davidg@primenet.com
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 07:11:02 -0700

That seems pretty twisted logic to me.  Is the cost of a disk the only
price you are willing to pay for software?  Ask K6STI how happy he was with
that kind of attitude.

Dave  AB7E

At 10:36 AM 2/23/00 +0100, V.Kecman wrote:

>I think that amateurs could share antenna information, regardless who is
>making big $$$$ from us, just because they came up with design that is a
>commercial product. C31XR is the best triband yagi, and I recommend that
>anyone who can afford to pay $1300 for intellectuall property included with
>30 pounds of aluminum tubing, buy that antenna. Other amateurs could benefit
>from nice pattern of this antenna by building one of their own. And Force12
>could be happy for that.
>73 Kele

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