[Towertalk] Dow-Key dirty contacts. & SO-239 Covers

on4kj on4kj@skynet.be
Sat, 14 Dec 2002 22:09:06 -0000

Often a relay contact has a high resistance when there is not enough current
flowing through it. Mecanical pressure is  not always the remedy. In any
case I should not introduce any
strange stuf as greases or solvents. It would be worst very soon. Just slip
a strip of non oiled hard paper between the contacts to clean them. Or,
modify the circuit so as more current flows trhough the contacts. If it
does'nt help change relay.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Kinyon - W7TS" <w7ts@attbi.com>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 9:04 PM
Subject: [Towertalk] Dow-Key dirty contacts. & SO-239 Covers

> Hello to all.
> Here is a real bargain:  two questions in one message.
> 1.  I have a few Dow key relays in my antenna switching set up.  One of
> when de-energized, is not making good contact (signals very weak).  Hit
> key once even with 30 watts RF and it works again.  I am planning to
> the small hole cover on the end and clean the contacts wit an automobile
> ignition contact file. Please tell me if this is not a good idea for some
> reason.
> 2. Is there a cover available to coverSO-239 connectors outdoors.  I just
> bought a remote switch for the top of the tower and will not initially use
> all positions?  I was considering filling some old used connectors with
> silicon seal, but prefer a more elegant solution.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ken W7TS
> -------------------
> Kenneth E.  Kinyon
> 34 Princeton Circle
> Longmont, CO 80503-2106
> Voice: (303) 684-0037
> Fax:  (303) 776-5088
> E-mail: W7TS@attbi.com
>   W7TS@qsl.net
>   W7TS@arrl.net
> ALPCA #8339
> -------------------
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