[TowerTalk] Re: [CQ-Contest] Printing QSL Info on Cards

Jim Smith jimsmith at shaw.ca
Wed Aug 13 15:14:33 EDT 2003

Hi Jos,

I also have a 970.  Colour & B&W reinking supplies are readily available 
here in NA.  You get 3 bottles of coloured ink and a syringe for getting 
the ink into the cartridge plus instructions.  I use this whenever I run 
out of ink.  I've forgotten the price comparison but I think it works 
out to something like 1/4 the cost of a new cartridge.  Unfortunately, 
it probably won't work with your empty cartridges because by now the ink 
will have dried and clogged the jets.  For this system to work you 
pretty well have to do the reinking as soon as you run out.  You may be 
able to unclog the jets with water but I haven't had much success with 
old cartridges.

Hope this helps,

73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO

on4kj wrote:

>Not stupid at at all Bob.
>Three years ago I bought a Deskjet 970Cxi as part of the project to print my
>own QSL cards. I also tried to obtain sponsoring from several Photo-paper
>producers.......... no more comment.
>If you know what can be done with a serie of four empty cartidges, B&W and
>Color as well, let me know. Its a pitty to throw them away even empty
>knowing the price I paid .
>Finaly ON5UR Max printed my cards, a first batch of  four thousand  cost me
>a 225?. ex mailcost 12?
>Engaged my xyl to stick the labels ( for nothing , ..... say nearby nothing
>hi hi :-))   )
>Jus thave a look at www.on5ur.be e-mail on5ur at pi.be
>The QSO is short, our QSL cards are for ever.!
>Jos on4kj

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