[TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Hardware

Hal Kennedy halken at comcast.net
Mon Oct 20 09:44:37 EDT 2003

FWIW, I demonstrated the hard way that the factory supplied Rohn 25G class 5
hardware is very adequate, and stronger than the tower legs.  I lost a guy
wire on a 25G tower and had it fall over.  The tower 'broke' (bent over 90
degrees) at the splice between two sections, with one leg in compression and
two legs in tension.  The tubing of the upper section leg in compression
collapsed and bent 90 degrees just about the splice.   The two legs in
compression pulled apart, via tearing the bolt holes open in the upper
section.  All four bolts (in the two legs) were still in-tact and still in
the holes in the lower section.  The upper section bolts holes had been torn
open down to the bottom of the legs - not pretty, but the bolts did great!

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