[TowerTalk] 40/30 SteppIR

Jerry Keller k3bz at arrl.net
Thu Oct 7 19:20:13 EDT 2004

I think a longer (40M) BeCu tape and housing already exists. Could one not (eventually) obtain a
"replacement" DE for a MonstIR? Perhaps that could replace a 3L or 4L DE? With a custom arrangement
using replacement components, I'd guess that the problem would be programming the controller, but
the possibility might eventually develop to "roll your own", from a dipole to a long-boom
multi-element yagi.

73,  Jerry K3BZ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <jimjarvis at comcast.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 6:50 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] 40/30 SteppIR

> TT:
> This conversation has been going on with the Mertel's for over two years, now,
> ever since I bought my 3 element version.
> I've been trying to convince them that it makes sense to put 2 els for
> 40/30 on the same boom as their 3 el 20-10 yagi.   At most, you need to extend
> the boom to 23'...and even that's a bit long for 30m.    Yes, you would have
> more visible elements....possibly as many as 5.  And yes, you would need two
> feedlines, one for 20-10,  and the other for 40/30.
> There is no interaction, as the 40/30 can be withdrawn when operating above
> those freqs., and vice-versa.   The design might even employ a moxon rectangle approach for 40, 
> where the elements bend toward each other.   That would minimize the turning radius, if the BeCu 
> tape would go around the corner.
> The gating item is the need for a longer BeCu tape,  a larger spool to hold it, and therefore a 
> larger motor housing to enclose it.   Molded plastics are pricey.
> It appears that they're quite busy making the 20-10 meter versions, though, and aren't being 
> distracted by such thinking.   If they bring it out, it's my next antenna, though.   Perhaps even 
> a  2 stack.
> N2EA
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