[TowerTalk] stacking monobanders

Doug Renwick ve5ra at sasktel.net
Tue Nov 28 17:13:56 EST 2006


Have you ever operated 40m from the northern latitudes?
Anecdotal results from a QTH in Arizona are irrelevant.
Have you ever used a 2L 40m beam at 60 feet?


I disagree with your disagreement ... hi.

Per my earlier message, there is 2db difference for a 2 element 40m yagi

at 60 feet versus 45 feet.  That's about the same as the difference 
between a 2 element and a 3 element yagi.  What I didn't mention before 
is that having a yagi too low also degrades the azimuth pattern and 
loses a lot of QRM rejection.

No offense meant, but anecdotal results don't help in making good 
antenna decisions.  I've worked Bouvet with a short 40m vertical and 100

watts, and I've worked FR5 on 20m with 5 watts to a low vertical loop.  
Neither would be my preference for antennas.  A QTH in VE5 might make my

wishlist for generating a pileup during a contest, though ;)

Dave  AB7E


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