[TowerTalk] 12-14-2008 update on Palmdale ham radio ban

Tue Dec 16 11:17:35 EST 2008

Just wait until there is a major earthquake in or around Palmdale  (That IS 
earthquake country!) ..and communications are cut off.  Then hams can say, 
"Too bad, if we had even the most basic 2 meter antenna, we would have been 
able to step in and provide emergency communications for you....alas...we 
don't, so.....".

Ok, so I am being simplistic.....

Seriously, perhaps a better approach would be the emergency communications 
tact...there are numerous recent examples to show.  Elected officials 
respond even better to emergency scenarios..it is the thing to do 

Joe Wolfe

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dennis OConnor" <ad4hk2004 at yahoo.com>
Subject: [TowerTalk] 12-14-2008 update on Palmdale ham radio ban

Many hams (if not most) would like an absolute law allowing them to put up 
towers/antennas... This is not going to happen in your lifetime, or mine...

Even as Palmdale heats up there are innumerable other communities where 
people are, this very minute, complaining to the municiple authorities about 
antennas of all kinds - including 'your' ham radio antennas - and also 
parked RV's, lawn ornaments, political signs, the color of the paint, weeds, 
sofa's on the front porch, and on, and on... Elected officials respond to 
those who elected them - it is called the democratic system of government..

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