[TowerTalk] Fwd: Using aluminum wire [or aluminum clad wire]

Kevin Normoyle knormoyle at surfnetusa.com
Thu Dec 30 12:45:29 PST 2010

On 12/30/2010 12:29 PM, Hans Hammarquist wrote:
> I wonder if we can use wire nuts to make the connections to Al wires in antennas. Simple and cheap. Any comments?
I think the  best is the aluminum crimp sleeves. Mechanically and electrically 
sound, and lots of surface area.

If you're going Al to Cu, I would think for our purposes waterproofing the whole 
think will prevent any corrosion issues. (for the lifetimes we deal with)

  I recently used 1/8" nicropress Al crimp sleeves on 12.5 gauge aluminum 
(beverage) but I notice they sell crimp sleeves for electric fence wire sized 
for 12.5 gauge and also 14/16 gauge (or larger, see page 9 of the Kencove catalog).
(I had a nicropress crimper already)

Something else that surprised me:
Stainless Steel split bolts.. at only $1 apiece. I had never seen SS split bolts 

small holds up to four 12.5 gauge, large holds up to eight wires.

catalog page 9 here


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