[TowerTalk] Baluns/tutorial/notes.

Steve Hunt steve at karinya.net
Sat May 22 14:32:34 PDT 2010


This sketch may help:


I've re-drawn the usual 4:1 current balun schematic (Fig 1) into a 
different, but exact equivalent, schematic Fig 2. It's clear that the 
input differential-mode voltage _must_ appear across the two balun 
windings P2 & P1 in a way that doesn't happen in a 1:1 current balun, 
and that "voltage transformer" action must occur in B1 & B2 to drive 
voltages across S2 & S1.

Please note: I'm _not_ saying it's a voltage balun - it's easy to show 
that it drives equal _currents_ into the two output legs; but there _is_ 
"voltage transformer" action happening within one or both cores in a way 
that doesn't happen with the 1:1.

Steve G3TXQ

Steve Hunt wrote:
> Kevin,
> I'll risk further criticism of  AIM measurements and point you to some 
> charts on my web site which might make things clearer:
> http://www.karinya.net/g3txq/chokes/
> Notice how narrow-band the resistive portions (black bands) are of the 
> #61 designs, and bear in mind the earlier discussion about SRF 
> measurement uncertainty with narrow-band chokes, and you can see that 
> #31 or #43 material is a much safer option.
> 73,
> Steve G3TXQ
> Kevin Normoyle wrote:
>> This is all great and thanks for taking the time to go thru it yet one 
>> more time.
>> Even though I've read the papers, it's great to see the give and take of 
>> slightly different points of view for really getting a grip on what all 
>> the key issues are.
>> So looking at Fair Rite #61, 13 turns on 2.4" o.d core, seems primarily 
>> resistive above 14Mhz.
>> Assuming I'm just thinking about the 20M/15M/10M bands, 13 turns of 
>> RG303 on a double stack of #61 seems to meet the desired goals?
>> Am I wrong there?
>> But then, if our measurement capabilities are better for below 14mhz, 
>> and I can be confident of the inductive reactance I get from #61 at the 
>> lower frequencies (and knowing whether there are resonances there)...why 
>> can't the same double stack be good for <14 mhz?
>> I guess I'm wondering if the justification for "resistive impedance is 
>> better" is being taken from one frequency range and being applied to all 
>> frequency ranges...unnecessarily implying #43 (or #31) is better than #61
>> ?? I may just be trying to summarize something that can't be summarized.
>> Seems like some of the issue is trying to have one thing cover the range 
>> of 1-30mhz which is too hard. And our inability to measure well, for 
>> over 10mhz.
>> I also can't help but think that using more turns of narrower RG303 thru 
>> a core is better for controlling stray capacitance, therefore creating 
>> more repeatable results...especially important if I know I can't trust 
>> the measurements of what I build.
>> ???
>> -kevin
>> AD6Z
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