[TowerTalk] TIC Potentiometer

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Fri Apr 4 10:12:12 EDT 2014

I hope that you don't jinx yourself David.  Actually I also went at least
a decade without a potentiometer failure, however for some of this time
the rotators were not in service due to moving. In the last year I had two
failures with Bourns pots.  One rotator started loosing calibration and
when I took it apart I discovered that the pot was extremely hard to turn.
 Another one suddenly quit indicating just hours before the 2014 WPX RTTY
contest forcing me to make a quick repair.

John KK9A/4

Re: [TowerTalk] TIC Potentiometer
from [David Robbins]	[Permanent Link][Original]
To:	 <towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject:	 Re: [TowerTalk] TIC Potentiometer
From:	 "David Robbins" <k1ttt at arrl.net>
Date:	 Fri, 04 Apr 2014 13:26:47 +0000

I have 5 of them up in the air, some getting pretty old, and haven't
replaced a pot in at least 10 years, so far back I can't remember the last
one I did... in fact I just went and found the bag of spare parts for TIC
stuff... I bought 3 clarostat pots in 2003 and still have 2 of them.

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
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