[TowerTalk] Utility Pole as Beam Support

john at iguanavilla.com john at iguanavilla.com
Tue Jun 3 22:15:13 EDT 2014

Sure it has been done before. Telrex used to make a pole mount. I guess you
would have to add spikes to climb the pole and find an installation crew to
set it in the ground. If you had trouble getting the building department
allow a small vertical how will you get this structure approved?

John KK9A

To:	 "'towertalk reflector'" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject:	 [TowerTalk] Utility Pole as Beam Support
From:	 "Clay Jackson" <n7qnm-lists at nwlink.com>
Date:	 Tue, 3 Jun 2014 15:15:05 -0700

I just "inherited" a 50' (out of the ground, 6' buried) utility pole (crew
was taking it out and told me that if I'd drag it off the road, I could have

I'm thinking about trying to find a rotator and tri-bander to put on top of
it; but, having no experience with such a setup; I thought I'd seek some
advice first.

So, a few questions.

I'm sure someone has done this before;  would you be able to share your

I have a friend who can weld anything from steel to aluminum and so I think
we can fab up a mount for the rotor.   

Beyond that, thoughts would be appreciated on things like:
Wind loading - how many sq ft (if any) is reasonable before I have to use
guys (for my HyGain AV18HT the building dept made me engineer the base for
90K winds, WITH a "wet stamped" drawing)?
Base - is a 6' hole filled with dirt "good enough" or do I need something
more (if more, would a  6' hole with concrete be sufficient)?

Thanks in advance!


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