[TowerTalk] G5RV vs 40M dipole

Bry Carling bcarling at cfl.rr.com
Tue Apr 28 13:21:14 EDT 2015

I already tried that and it was a disaster - lots of RF in the shack and lots of RFI to devices in the house. I've used coax fed antennas with success for 46 years and see no reason to change now.

Best regards - Brian Carling
AF4K Crystals Co.
117 Sterling Pine St.
Sanford, FL 32773

Tel: +USA 321-262-5471

> On Apr 28, 2015, at 1:00 PM, Tom Osborne <w7why at frontier.com> wrote:
> I still think if you have room for a 105 foot antenna, it's way better to put it up as a dipole and feed it with twin lead.  There is nothing magical about a G5RV except on 20 meters.  On other bands it is just some wire that you force RF into with a tuner.   I can do that with my 80 meter dipole on any band.
> I've seen glowing reviews of an AEA Isoloop :-)  73
> Tom W7WHY
>> On 4/28/2015 3:41 AM, Bry Carling AF4K wrote:
>> On the transmit side, I can usually work anything I can hear by having a 1000 watt signal
>> versus a 100 watt signal. That more than makes up for the lost 1.2 dB from using that terrible
>> G5RV.
>> Then on the receive side I can make up a lot by the  use of a modern NR system and two
>> preamps to dig out weak signals, OR by having the alterbnative use of a vertical versus a
>> horizontal antenna.
>> I am not worried about this theoretical 1.2 dB loss. When there are other more important
>> factors such as a small lot, or aesthetic requirements, then for many of us a G5RV can be
>> the best compromise.  I have the newer W8AMZ designed G5RV, which has glowing reviews
>> and I am not at all worried about deplying it. After much study, I believe it is the best solution
>> for my particular environment.
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