[TowerTalk] FYI: for owners of 15M6-125 yagis

Jorge Diez CX6VM cx6vm.jorge at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 14:17:04 EST 2016

Converting a 15M6DX-125 to a 15M6DX?  

Not understand, why?

The M2 antennas are over rated so will want to keep a stronger antenna 

The 44ft boom wall is s joke! 

I needed to replace my booms with the heavy duty version that they have to sell, but that you don't know of it till you have a problem and complain about this antenna


Enviado desde mi iPhone

> El 14 feb. 2016, a las 11:48, StellarCAT <rxdesign at ssvecnet.com> escribió:
> I purchased two of these recently for a good price – both in what seemed to be great shape... I’m converting them to 15M6DX’s ... will be range testing the conversion soon using a hex-copter and a extreme light weight dipole/XG3 exciter ... anyway in rebuilding this antenna I found that where the boom sections come together, the swaged ends now have ‘slots’ where the bolt goes through! I’ll drill 2 new holes the proper diameter and then add heavy duty rivets to help ensure this doesn’t happen again. Only one of the 2 that I have has this – they were taken down from a stack so I can only guess that it doesn’t happen always or maybe the top antenna in that previous installation was the one that developed slots. 
> Gary
> K9RX
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