[TowerTalk] FXL-780 hardline connector prep

Gedas w8bya at mchsi.com
Mon May 23 12:37:55 EDT 2016

Rats, 2nd URL did not paste. Here is the right one:


Also, for the center conductor connection I was easily able to drill 
into the center conductor of the hard-line a hole JUST big enough for 
some #14 (I don't exactly remember) and press fit it into the hard-line 
center conductor.  I used a spring loaded center punch to make sure my 
1/4" deep drill hold would be pretty much centered in the HL center 

I then applied a solder bridge between my copper wire and the outside of 
the copper coated center conductor making a sound electrical and 
mechanical connection. Of coarse from there the copper wire just slides 
into the N-connector like normal and is soldered like normal.

Gedas, W8BYA

Gallery at http://w8bya.com
Light travels faster than sound....
This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

On 5/23/2016 12:27 PM, Gedas wrote:
> Hi Gary. I do not know anything about your exact cable but I had a 
> similar issue with some 75 ohm 7/8" armored hard-line that I have been 
> using for over 15 years now. Now you are going to cringe at my 
> solution, and I admit I am a hack but my solution was to use a small 
> butane torch to melt the dielectric out of the cable. I found it to be 
> very controllable and gave me exactly the results I needed.  Here are 
> a could of pics showing how I used the cable. Also, note that in my 
> case standard hardware store copper fittings made ideal parts to use 
> as I was able to self thread the copper fitting into the ID of the 
> hard-line. I used the standard anti-oxidant goop before finally 
> threading it in place.
> These two images show the application of a standard N-connector onto 
> the hard-line, in other images I have (if you look on my pages) you 
> can see where I designed and built up transformers for 2m and 70 cm to 
> use with this cable.
> http://w8bya.com/index.php/Misc/HAM-1/catv4
> http://w8bya.com/index.php/Misc/HAM-1/catv4
> Gedas, W8BYA
> Gallery at http://w8bya.com
> Light travels faster than sound....
> This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
> On 5/23/2016 12:07 PM, Gary Smith wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just obtained some Commscope FXL-780 smooth wall 7/8 hardline. No
>> connectors came with it.
>> I ordered some Commscope 78EZNF-N Female Connectors which are
>> designed for this cable, but what I'm not sure about is how to prep
>> the cable for these connectors unless you use the Commscope prep
>> tools to do this. I can only find very expensive tools for this and I
>> only need to attach a connector on each end and then the tool is
>> useless to me.
>> The connector is seen here:
>> http://www.commscope.com/catalog/wireless/product_details.aspx?id=1754
>> 1
>> or use this link: http://tinyurl.com/zp35ev3
>> The foam has to be cored out, the jacket removed & I understand there
>> is a flaring to be made on the center conductor and also one on the
>> shield before joining the two halves of the connector. I'm not aware
>> of how you do this by hand without the speciality tools. I don't know
>> the dimensions or depths of the cuts/foam removal.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks & 73,
>> Gary
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