[TowerTalk] Self Supporting Tower Install

Jon Pearl - W4ABC jonpearl at tampabay.rr.com
Sun May 14 09:02:44 EDT 2017

I hope there's nothing sitting in the fall zone, Mike.


Jon Pearl - W4ABC

On 5/11/2017 7:42 PM, Mike Ryan wrote:
>            Over the weekend I was shown some pictures of a method being used
> by some locals here to plant a new 50ft self supporting tower. Not sure of
> the WIDTH of the hole but I am pretty sure it was 5ft wide.  (As I recall it
> was going to be 5 x 5 x 5).  What I was surprised at in particular was their
> use of a section of plastic corrugated pipe (PVC) which was to line the
> hole.  I guess it is designed as a cylinder of some type to hold the
> concrete. I've done a few towers myself and would not ever have dreamed of
> such a scheme but I was told they got their 'idea' from a ROHN catalog.
> ....I've never seen THIS in a ROHN catalog.  The fill in around the cylinder
> would fly in the face of the otherwise 'undisturbed soil'  mandate.  They do
> intend to put rebar in the cylinder and attach the bolts to anchor the base
> to these.
>             Has anyone ever seen this method or done this before?  -Mike

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