[TowerTalk] Loading guy wires

Jim Dawson jdawson at jasystems.com
Sat Sep 17 18:42:32 EDT 2022

I used two top guys on my 100' Rohn 45 for 1/4 wave slopers. One for 80 and one for 160. They worked well for 25 years.
Jim - K9DD

----- Original Message -----
From: <john at kk9a.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: 9/17/2022 4:52:58 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Loading guy wires

You could hang Christmas lights on the guys:)

If you're making an inverted V with guy wires it may be a lot of work to
tune (or change from CW to Phone on 80m) and the angle between the dipole
legs may be less than desirable.  This also assumes that you do not have
side mounted Yagis that are effected by conductive guys.

John KK9A

dave arruzza w1ctn wrote:

I have two guyed towers going up at my new station.
Both 70 footers 
I would hate to have all the guy wire just being used to hold up the towers
I think some of it could be used as a radiator. 
Opinions / comments please 
73Dave W1CTN


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