[TRLog] hot key cq

Kevin Arber karber@smart.net
Sun, 7 Mar 1999 18:13:27 -0500

I still like escape the way it is.  Remember that if you are in S&P, the
program only changes to CQ mode if escape is encountered with nothing in
the window.  It takes two escapes to get to CQ if you have a call in the
window; one to abort and one to get to CQ mode.  

For Udo, DL2ZAV (and others) -- thanks for sharing all the info on the
configuration files -- I find this most helpful.

73, Kevin, W3DAD

> From: Udo Lautenbach DL2ZAV <dl2zav@qsl.net>
> To: G3YXX@guildford-physio.demon.co.uk; trlog@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TRLog] hot key cq
> Date: Sunday, March 07, 1999 1:39 PM
>     Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: DAVID W. WOOD (G3YXX) <G3YXX@guildford-physio.demon.co.uk>
> An: trlog@contesting.com <trlog@contesting.com>
> Datum: Sonntag, 7. M�rz 1999 15:12
> Betreff: [TRLog] hot key cq
> >an option could be as follows:
> >
> >when the call field is empty in S&P mode, if 'return' is pressed
> >it switches the program to CQ and sends the F1 CQ.
> >
> Please, NO!
> This would make me cause QRM when inadvertently hitting RETURN during
> S&P'ing (much more than the ESC key does now). RETURN (in TR and in
> general) means going forward in the process that has begun (here: the
> process of S&P'ing), and not switching to something completely
> different. TR does the right thing now in this situation, I think.
> Sometimes I do forget to switch from S&P (the mode I use most of the
> time) to CQ mode before hitting F1. So I made up my personal hotkey as
> EX MEMORY AltF9 = cqmodespeed22qrl?
> (can you read those command control characters in it?)
> and this is now my switch-to-CQing-key.
> --
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