[TRLog] 10M Contest - /MM mult (and NU)

Tom Hammond NØSS n0ss@earthlink.net
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 14:20:10 -0600

Hi guys:

I feel the suggestions made below are good... esp. the addition of NU/VY0.

However, I might suggest that any changed file should be made READ-ONLY 
until the time that Tree includes the update(s) in the S50P13DC.DOM file. 
This way, subsequent releases of TRLOG v6.5x won't overwrite your hard 
work... until you're ready to have it overwritten.

73 - Tom Hammond   N0SS

At 02:00 PM 12/7/00, you wrote:

>On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 15:09:34 -0500 "Mike Tessmer" <k9nw@qth.com> writes:
> >
> > In regard to the problem noted below, and taking a hint from N4GN, I
> > modified S50P13DC.DOM adding the lines:
> >
> > R1 = R1
> > R2 = R2
> > R3 = R3
> >
> > As best I can tell, there is no conflict with calls such as R1ANF,
> > R3K,
> > etc., as long as you type the right RCVD info.
>I tried this, but couldn't get the program to log the contacts.
>The program seemed to think it was European Russia.
>Instead, for the Maritime Mobiles, I added the following lines to
>N4GN's S50P13DC.DOM, and it seems to work ok:
>Mm1 = MM1
>Mm2 = MM2
>Mm3 = MM3
>Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
>Yuma, AZ
>So, the entire S50P13DC.DOM file is:
>Ab = VE6, AB, ALT, ALB
>Al = AL
>Ak = AK, ALK, KL7
>Ar = AR
>Az = AZ, ARI
>Bc = VE7, BC
>Ca = CA
>Co = CO
>Ct = CT, CON
>Dc = DC
>De = DE
>Fl = F
>Ga = G
>Hi = H, KH6
>Ia = IA, IO
>Id = ID
>In = IN
>Il = IL
>Ks = KA, KS
>Ky = KE, KY
>La = L
>Lb = VO2, LAB, LB
>Ma = MA
>Mb = VE4, MB, MAN
>Md = MD, MARY
>Me = MAI, ME
>Mi = MI
>Mn = MN, MIN
>Ms = MS, MIS
>Mt = MT, MON
>Nb = VE9, NB
>Nc = NC
>Nd = ND
>Ne = NE
>Nf = VO1, NF
>Nh = NH
>Nj = NJ
>Nm = NM
>Ns = VE1, NS
>Nt = VE8, NW, NT
>Nu = VY0, NU
>Nv = NV, NEV
>Ny = NY
>Oh = OH
>Ok = OK
>On = VE3, ON
>Or = OR
>Pa = P
>Pe = VY2, PEI
>Qc = VE2, QU, PQ, QC
>Ri = R
>Sc = SC
>Sd = SD
>Sk = VE5, SK, SAS
>Tn = TN, TEN
>Tx = TX, TEX
>Ut = U
>Va = VA, VI
>Vt = VT, VER
>Wa = WA
>Wi = WI
>Wv = WV
>Wy = WY
>Yt = VY1, YU, YK, YT
>Mm1 = MM1
>Mm2 = MM2
>Mm3 = MM3
>FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/trlog
>Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
>Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
>Problems:                 owner-trlog@contesting.com
>Feature Wishlist:         http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/trlog
Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-trlog@contesting.com
Feature Wishlist:	  http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html