[TRLog] RUSSIAN DX CONTEST: CFG files and more

Soro Roberto roberto.soro@sia.it
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 18:43:27 +0100

Hi all,
thanks to Igor, UA9CDC, for his big effort,
there will be within 2/3 hours from now (17.30 UTC now)
in the TRlog User's shared data site (at my web site)
the set of files for this contest:
LOGCFG.DAT     config file to use in combination with Trmaster.dta
RUSSIAN.DOM    updated oblast list with R1FJ, R1MV, R1AN
TRMASTER.DTA   master dta files with all the oblast in the 
               USER 1 field for the russian stations.

See you all in the contest.
Bob,I2WIJ - J49WI


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