[TRLog] Control-Enter in two radio mode

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro@k4ro.net
Sun, 12 Aug 2001 10:01:14 -0500

Thanks Tree.  I think this will be a great improvement
for the SO2R folks who use the paddles a lot.  I'll look
into using F2 as well, but my reaction time seems quicker
with the paddles. Especially when I'm tripping over myself
trying to handle two simultaneous callers.  Looking forward
to using it in the next CW test.

-Kirk  K4RO

On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 03:01:45AM -0700, Tree N6TR wrote:
> I have made it so that when Control-Enter is used to finish a 
> 2nd radio QSO, the exchange will not be sent.

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