[TRLog] WISH LIST - save bandmap data

Monte Stark ku7y@qsl.net
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 10:04:24 -0700

Hi All,

Here's something I've often thought about.....

If the band map data was saved to a file every hour or so,
then after the contest you could check to see if those
missing sections were ever in your band map and adjust
your operating practices to stop overlooking things!

As soon as I can whip the RF getting into the laptop
problem I'll be spending more time in the contests again. 
But with just a screwdriver antenna on the RV don't look
for me to be very loud, either QRP or QRO!  :-)



Ron, KU7Y
Full Time RVing somewhere in the West
Currently in Brenda, AZ
QRP-L #17

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