[TRLog] TS-850 CW

Jerry Heien n9avy@mc.net
Fri, 05 Jul 2002 13:08:33 -0400

Been trying to get TR Log (v 6.68) to send CW with my TS-850 and HP P166 run in
DOS mode. I bought the CW interface (W1WEF), but still can't get it working.
Figure it must be something obvious I've overlooked.

I can key the rig in CW mode by shorting the phono plug going to key jack on
rig. When I first turn on the computer it will key the rig for several seconds.
Went through the logcgf file and everything that should be turned on seems to

Can anyone tell me what's wrong ???

Thanks in advance.

73,  Jerry,  N9AVY

P.S.  TR runs great in all the contests, but interfacing seems to stump me.