[Trlog] ADIF Conversion program

Martin Kratoska ok1rr at qsl.net
Sat Jul 12 00:55:08 EDT 2003

There are several option in TRADIF so you may choose the column for the
exchange. I use mostly the Notes column for exchanges, you don't need to
mess up the Name column.

Anyway let me know if you have problems. I can probably change anything to
meet the needs.

73 Martin, OK1RR
ok1rr at qsl.net
The difference between theory and practice in theory
is less than the difference between theory and practice in practice.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Ferch" <ve3iay at rac.ca>
To: <trlog at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 4:37 AM
Subject: [Trlog] ADIF Conversion program

> On Thu Jul 10 at 16:37:57 EDT 2003,
> Dick Stepanian <w6tk at juno.com> wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >         Looking for some help on a conversion program.  I hope to play,
> > as time permits, in IARU coming up.  But need an ADIF conversion program
> > to import log after the contest into Logger32.
> >
> >         I tried to convert TR file - both ASCII and Cabrillo as well as
> > original log files - after Field Day into ADIF file and import into
> > Logger32.  It didn't accept it.  Needed "playing" with to get it there.
> >
> >        Hoping there is a better conversion program out there to ease the
> > transition process.
> >
> >         Thanks
> >
> > Dick- W6TK
> OK, Dick, I'll bite. What conversion program or method were you using? As
> far as I can tell, Logger32 only imports ADIF format, and neither TRLog
> POST can produce an ADIF file directly, so there was probably some other
> software involved.
> I started my testing with LogConv (http://www.qsl.net/ka5wss/logconv/).
> I ran this on an old TRLog log.dat file for Field Day and tried to import
> the resulting ADIF file into Logger32. Logger32 didn't like it because
> was no rst_rcvd field (no rst_sent field either). I had to edit
> <rst_rcvd:3>599 <rst_sent:3>599 into the ADIF file to make it acceptable
> Logger32. I would guess that NAQP, NA Sprint and SS files would have the
> same problem.
> On the other hand, when I ran LogConv on last year's IARU log.dat file,
> Logger32 was happy with the ADIF file LogConv produced, so for IARU,
> should be fine.
> Next, TRADIF (http://www.qsl.net/ok1rr/softnav.html). I ran this on both
> Field Day log.dat and the IARU log.dat. Logger32 accepted both ADIF files
> first time around. Actually, there is a problem with the Field Day log,
> though. TRADIF's standard conversion option puts the received exchange
> the rst_rcvd field, which is almost certainly not what you want. The IARU
> ADIF file looked better to me, but note that it put the exchange for HQ
> stations into the name field instead of the comment field, which might be
> problem.
> Cabrillo files: The first thing to beware of is that Field Day appears to
> one of the contests that POST doesn't produce a good Cabrillo file for. If
> you look in the Cabrillo file, there is no sent exchange. You can either
> edit the received exchange in by hand using WordPad, or you can use WT4I's
> Cabrillo Converter (http://www.wt4i.com/) to put the sent exchange into
> Cabrillo file.
> Cabrillo Converter doesn't seem to like TRLog log.dat files, because there
> is no space between the band and mode. However, it does a good job of
> "fixing up" the pseudo-Cabrillo files that POST produces for contests that
> aren't on the official Cabrillo list, and it seems to work fine on
> ARRL-format log files from POST /L /A. For IARU, all that is academic,
> because POST produces a perfectly good Cabrillo file for IARU.
> You still have to get the Cabrillo file into ADIF, of course. I'm not sure
> what you used for this. LogConv can output to Cabrillo, but as far as I
> it cannot read Cabrillo files.
> I used my own CBR2ADIF program (http://www.storm.ca/~ve3iay/cbr2adif.html)
> on both the fixed-up Field Day pseudo-Cabrillo file and the IARU Cabrillo
> file, and Logger32 accepted both ADIF files. Note that CBR2ADIF puts
> rst_rcvd and rst_sent fields into the ADIF file even if the contest
> doesn't include signal reports.
> So, there seem to be at least three options for you for the upcoming IARU:
> 1. Use LogConv on your log.dat file;
> 2. Use TRADIF on your log.dat file; or
> 3.  Use CBR2ADIF on your Cabrillo file (from POST).
> Does this help?
> 73,
> Rich VE3IAY
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