[Trlog] Single character in exchange field

Tree tree at kkn.net
Sun Jul 13 12:02:05 EDT 2003

On Sun, Jul 13, 2003 at 03:32:04AM -0700, Alan Kaul, W6RCL wrote:

> Later TR-log would not accept a 2-digit zone for YT1AD.  But when I wiped
> the zone, did a tab to get back to the call window. And then hit enter, it
> AUTO-FILLED the 2-digit zone accurately!

Yup - the initial exchange coming from the ITU zone would work correctly.
It is when you tried to enter something manually that the problem showed

> GB0HQ/RSGB was an EDIT, as was another 9A0HQ/HRS, but ten QSO's later, the
> program accepted NZART.  Followed by another edit for CT1REP/REP.

I am not sure exactly why this happened, but it might have something to 
do with having the society name in the IARUHQ.DOM file.  

> Then I saw TREE's note about the band map and set BAND MAP to FALSE.
> Afterward, I worked JARL and ARRL and had no problem entering the info in
> the exchange window.

Sorry I didn't have time to look at this before the contest.

I have it fixed for 6.74 now.  


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