[Trlog] TR 6.59 cabrillo wrong in SAC

Tree tree at kkn.net
Wed Nov 19 14:03:36 EST 2003

> Using TR 6.59 and very satisfied with this (the last one I received way back).
> It runs fine in all contests for me and do what I expect it to do.
> However, I have submitted my SAC CW log as a Cabrillo file to Finland.
> Now received an e-mail saying that my Cabillo formate is not ok, as the serial numbers are missing.

Well, the first issue I have is that the SAC is not listed on the Cabrillo 
spec web page - therefore it isn't really correct to say there is a Cabrillo
standard for the SAC contest.  

I use that as my guideline on what to support.  TR supports too many 
contests for me to do anything else.

You can fake TR into giving you a WPX Cabrillo log that will probably
be close to what they want. Just change the name in your CONTEST 

Have the SAC sponsors work with Trey to get their contest listed there.


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