[Trlog] TR 6.59 cabrillo wrong in SAC

SM5AJV sm5ajv at chello.se
Wed Nov 19 22:38:36 EST 2003

Cabrillo for SAC is OK if you use TR 6.61 or later.

The only 2 things you have to change is:

1. Change 'CONTEST: SAC' to 'CONTEST: SAC-CW' or

2. Remove the mode indication in the 'CATEGORY:' field.

73 de Ingo, SM5AJV / 8S5A

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tree" <tree at kkn.net>
To: "OZ8AE J. Christensen" <oz8ae at mail.tele.dk>
Cc: <trlog at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Trlog] TR 6.59 cabrillo wrong in SAC

> > Using TR 6.59 and very satisfied with this (the last one I received way
> > It runs fine in all contests for me and do what I expect it to do.
> >
> > However, I have submitted my SAC CW log as a Cabrillo file to Finland.
> > Now received an e-mail saying that my Cabillo formate is not ok, as the
serial numbers are missing.
> Well, the first issue I have is that the SAC is not listed on the Cabrillo
> spec web page - therefore it isn't really correct to say there is a
> standard for the SAC contest.
> I use that as my guideline on what to support.  TR supports too many
> contests for me to do anything else.
> You can fake TR into giving you a WPX Cabrillo log that will probably
> be close to what they want. Just change the name in your CONTEST
> statement.
> Have the SAC sponsors work with Trey to get their contest listed there.
> Tree

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