[Trlog] Any interest in Bootable MS-DOS CD's?

Steve London n2ic at arrl.net
Tue Nov 16 19:53:14 EST 2004

For fast access to trmaster.dta, put the trmaster.dta file in a ramdisk, and
change your path to point to the ramdisk first:

In config.sys:
devicehigh=c:\dos\ramdrive.sys 900 /e       <---- Creates a 900 kb ramdisk
at the next letter past the last physical drive (i.e. if c: is your thumb
drive, the ramdisk will be automatically created in d:  . It might be
interesting to see how this interacts with a USB thumb drive, since I have
only tried it with a hard disk)

In autoexec.bat:
PATH d:\;c:\n6tr679;  ...  <--- set up PATH to point to ramdisk first
copy c:\trmaster.dta d:\trmaster.dta    <---- Copies trmaster.dta from the
thumb drive to the ramdrive

Steve, N2IC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pete Smith" <n4zr at contesting.com>
To: <kd4d at comcast.net>; "R. Kline" <k7nj at zahav.net.il>
Cc: "Trlog at Contesting. Com" <trlog at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:34 PM
Subject: RE: [Trlog] Any interest in Bootable MS-DOS CD's?

> Hypothetically, my Dell Dimension 2400 has USB 2.0.  Behavior is much
> faster than Riki reports, but there is a lag in responses that require
> "disk" access, like looking up callsigns in a master data file as they are
> entered.  It is not show-stopping, but it is noticeable.  I wonder if
> SMARTDRV would be any help.
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> At 01:35 PM 11/16/2004, kd4d at comcast.net wrote:
> >Hi Riki:
> >
> >I have had the same problem with USB devices that are just too slow.
> >Has anyone tried this with a USB 2.0 USB memory stick and interface
> >and gotten good performance?
> >
> >73,
> >
> >Mark, KD4D
> >
> >
> >
> >R. Kline writes:
> > > Hi Mark,
> > > Well, I've succeeded in making the thumb drive bootable. [...]
> > > I move the thumb drive over to my USB 1.1 socket, and it
> > > boots.  The problem remaining is speed.  When using TR and typing a
> > > (using the simulator), there is about a 4 second delay after typing is
> > > finished until everything appears on the screen and before TR
> > > I understand that USB 1.1 is about 1/10 the
> > > speed of USB 2.0.
> >
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