[Trlog] Wish list

alan.kaul at att.net alan.kaul at att.net
Thu Oct 7 17:31:15 EDT 2004

Thanks TOM.  Yes, POST saves the original log.  

But as you might be aware, the logged freq data is in two
different locations --- at the beginning of the record
it lists the band and mode, i. e., 15SSB... followed by date
and the time followed by  a decimal point and the frequency
in thousands of a Mhz (.xxx).  So the record in the original log
looks something like this: (note--spacings modified)

15SSB 02-Oct-04 23:32 .299  K5YAA  407  Ok  Ok  2

After running POST, that original log is saved, and a new log 
is created, looking something like this:

15SSB 02-Oct-04 23:32   76  K5YAA  407  Ok  Ok  2

What I'm really asking for is a final log that looks something like

21299 (or 21.299) SSB 02-Oct-04 23:32 76  K5YAA 407 Ok  Ok  2

So that when I convert this info to ADIF format (in order to input
to my regular log) the actual frequency would be preserved.

I realize this might be impossible with the dedicated line 
spacings that are required by TR.  However, I might mention, 
that when POST writes a CABRILLO file, it does change 15SSB 
to 21000 PH as follows, so we know that some changes are possible:

QSO: 21000 PH 2004-10-02 2332 W6RCL  299 LAX  K5YAA    407 Ok

Maybe most of us don't care about saving this data.... maybe this 
fix to accomodate a small number of users doesn't make sense to 
anyone else (including Tree).  But I believe it would make a good 
contest logging program better.

Thanks, 73 de alan

Alan Kaul W6RCL LaCanada, CA 91011 
e-mail: w6rcl at amsat.org 

-------------- Original message from Tom Hammond : -------------- 

> Though I've not used this option, doesn't it save a copy of your original 
> file before performing the renumber action? 
> I know POST saves the input file before it performs many other operations, 
> seems logical that it'd do the same here. 
> 73, 
> Tom N0SS 
> At 10:40 AM 10/7/04, alan.kaul at att.net wrote: 
> >I know another release is planned for the upcoming Oct-Nov 
> >contests, and I would like to suggest software changes which 
> >would put the exact frequency used into the final log (for those 
> >of us who use "log frequency enable" during the contest). 
> > 
> >Currently, POST.EXE discards that information when you use 
> >the command to "renumber" QSO's. 
> > 
> >It would be great to save FREQ info, so after the contest, when the 
> >TR-log data file is uploaded and exported into my regular logging program, 
> >the exact frequency would be preserved. 
> > 
> >Why? Because long after the contest is over I like to look back at the 
> >log and 
> >figure out which are RUN and which are S and P contacts.... and to 
> >compare my performance in different contests. Looking at frequency data is 
> >an easy way to do that. Plus, I just like to have the exact frequencies 
> >rather 
> >than just band information. 
> > 
> >Thanks and best 73, de alan 
> > 
> >-- 
> >Alan Kaul W6RCL LaCanada, CA 91011 
> >e-mail: w6rcl at amsat.org 
> >http:// 
> >home.att.net/~alan.kaul/index.html 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >_______________________________________________ 
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