[Trlog] 6.82 update

Tree tree at kkn.net
Mon Sep 25 12:56:20 EDT 2006

6.82 has had mixed reviews - with some people having good results and
others not.  

I have found some kind of program instability that I don't fully understand
yet.  This seems to cause hangs for some people when using the RADIODEBUG
feature.  I banged my head against this for about 4 hours yesterday and
made some progress, but still don't understand root cause.  Hopefully, when
I nail this - it will fix a few other things.

I did find the RTTY PORT feature in 6.82 was broken - but I got it fixed
so I could make some QSOs in the CQ WW RTTY contest.  I know this isn't 
a strong suit in TR Log, but it is nice to have some support for those of
us who get on RTTY once in a blue moon.

Once I get this instability solved, I will make a new update available.


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