[Trlog] CTY.DAT

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Tue Oct 28 19:31:52 EDT 2008

Hi, Rich.

> Another rational is "I don't care" as Cabrillo strips that 
> away anyway and the main data base adds them back. That way 
> no one claims PY0 St Peter and Paul rocks when it was just a 
> PY. Even better everyone gets the credit who logged a real 
> PP/rocks as a PY.

Yes, it makes no difference in the Cabrillo file or subsequent log checking.
I just like to know what mults I need to chase, or ignore pileups on, during
the contest.

> However our favorite, and in my case only, logging program 
> should know calls for beam headings and SS/SR times. I was 
> disappointed to see the .CTY format change as I assumed TRLog 
> would choke on it.

The beam heading and sunrise/sunset data work fine in TR-Log with the new
CTY.DAT format.  The only thing affected are the specific call signs added
to CTY.DAT that are unknown or wrong zones/countries from their prefix,
e.g., TO4X, TO8Z, W0YK, K5ZD, etc.  OTOH, my "fix" has the problem of
showing K6YT as Guam in Zone 27 because the call sign K6Y is in CTY.DAT as
Guam.  My preference is to deal with the few cases like this and have the
feature that TR-Log tells me where the heck each of those TOxx call signs
really are.

Ed - W0YK

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