[Trlog] TR700 crashing problem

Tree tree at kkn.net
Fri Dec 17 10:10:28 PST 2010

> > 1) with just one radio on, typing ALT-R to go to second radio 
> > (habit) crashes TR - get Runtime error 216 at 001A:0EAD
> This exact same thing happens here.  Same error message, same memory
> location.  Booting MS-DOS 6.22 (no Windows).
> In addition, I found another sequence that produces the same error at
> another memory location:
> 1.  Start TR-Log
> 2.  Enter N0RR (TR-Log is in S&P mode)
> 3.  Enter 3 RON CA
> 4.  Enter W0UN (TR-Log is in CQ mode)
> 5.  Enter 1 JOHN TX
> 6.  TR-Log crashes to the DOS prompt with "Runtime error 216 at 0019:29E5".

This is all good data guys.  

Runtime 216 is a "General Protectin Fault" and indicates that the program is
trying to run outside of the "protected" memory that was allocated for the 

The address gives me the ability to see exactly what instruction in the code
was being executed when this error occurred.  

Hopefully this weekend (or next week) I will have some time to look at
these addresses and see what's going on.


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