[UK-CONTEST] An Integrated UK Contest Policy

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Fri Mar 15 15:54:01 EST 2002

Many thanks to Clive GW3NJW, Mike G3VAO and Tim M5ACC for their positive contributions, as always. Your comments are noted. Just for clarification, my proposal for an informal working group was only that it acts as an information gatherer, pulling together suggestions put forward from this reflector. (God forbid why I would want to suggest it in the first place, it seems to people are only interested in being negative)

Point 1 - Its job finishes once a proposal has been forwarded to HFCC.
Point 2 - It comprises of people who wish to make a POSITIVE contribution to contesting in the UK
Point 3 - It would reduce HFCC's workload in moving things forward. Their deadline for finalising changes is September
I am sure we all remember the various discussions last year and the total lack of progress made

Hey, don't accuse me of being bureaucratic. I have weilded a very successful CTC (Cut The Crap) campaign at work.


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