[UK-CONTEST] WRTC Selections

G3SXW g3sxw at compuserve.com
Tue May 28 17:49:32 EDT 2002

There are two types of WRTC Teams: a) country and b) wild-card.

About 35 (if I remember correctly) of the 52 are allocated to countries
according to the size of contesting-population (as measured by the
number of logs submitted to those major contests). That;'s why there
are more USA teams than others and why UK gets only one team.
The appropriate 'authority' in each country makes the team-selections,
in our case RSGB HFCC. But as Don says, there is always a lack of
applications, so there's really no selection-process as such. Then
again, I suppose with the rarified atmosphere of WRTC only highly-
seasoned contesters may feel it appropriate to apply.

Then the balance are wild-card for which applications are needed
and the selection process that you describe (performance by
individuals in the major contests) is implemented.

I agree that an international equivalent of the RSGB Championship
would be a nice idea. It would be pretty tricky to devise a fair scheme but
it would work, as you say, as an incentive to at least send off a log to
major international events.

(PS - I am responsible for co-ordinating the 52 Referees at WRTC2002 so
I'm sort of involved in the whole process).
73 de Roger/G3SXW.

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