[UK-CONTEST] G4PIQ/P Reports for 21/28 SSB and EU SSB Sprint
Mike Farmer
G3VAO at hortonbrook.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Oct 7 03:23:32 EDT 2002
> > Again - I'd rather see the effort to encourage UK stations to
> > take part in something like CQWW with more awards to support that than
> > dragging out another domestic contest which has really seen better days.
> >
> Absolutely, how this survived when 7Mhz DX got the axe is a mystery. Next
> weekend we will probably be subsumed by the WAG contest if it is
> co-incident again, which really is all that needs to be said. I believe we
> have proved beyond doubt that we cannot support a contest on the
> international scale, whereas countries like S5 with the population of GW
> readily so do. This is sad but inescapable, so let's play to our remaining
> strengths.
> My only caveat to the above is that WAE should be encouraged in preference
> to CQWW, which hardly needs it, and which is already well supported by Gs
The logical extension of this is to do away with all RSGB HF Contest - even
that may be a good point as the RSGB would then save the costs of the HFCC.
Silly really.
During the worst bit of the sun's cycle the skill in contesting shifts from
"RUN< RUN< RUN" to work out the propagation then work what you are confident
is there. For the run boys 20m will always tickle their fancy. So I see no
real reason to change much especially if there is an interest being shown by
new licensees - Does the HFCC ask them what they would like to see in a
My only concern with WAE is that its one of the more complicated contests
and the intro to contesting should be the simplest possible - so we should
retain the simple serial number (and possibly post code) exchange.
PS it was interesting (at the end of the Oceania Contest) being called by EU
when I was CALLING and working the Oceania Contest all they wanted was my
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