[UK-CONTEST] SSB FD Multipliers

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sun Sep 15 04:57:43 EDT 2002

My local club asked me to take a look at their log and one thing I noticed was that the
summary sheet created by SD v9.91 includes a line for area mults, giving them two extra
multipliers, one on 80 and one on 40. In addition it says they worked 36 mults on 20m and
I can only count 35.

Having participated in and adjudicated SSB FD a number of times, I am left puzzled
because I have definately not encountered area mults before. The rules are quite specific
: One multiplier for each DXCC Country worked on each band.

Apart from this, all other mults are correct.  Any thoughts?  Chris G3SJJ

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